Jorge V. Tigno, DPA
On Sabbatical
Bulwagang Silangang Palma
Africa Street
University of Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Jorge Villamor Tigno has been a member of the faculty since 1989. Prior to joining the Department he was the director of a non-governmental organization working with Filipino overseas migrants. He has undertaken studies on labor migration from Taiwan and the Philippines and migration trends and policies within the ASEAN region as well as civil society participation in local governance and electoral and party system reforms in the Philippines.
He is a Fellow at the Social Weather Stations (SWS) and a member of the Philippine Migration Research Network (PMRN), the Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA), and the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP). In 2015 he received the NRCP Achievement Award in the Social Sciences. He has published in numerous journals and has authored, co-authored, and edited several publications including an edited book on Philippine political thinkers in the twentieth century published by UP Press. He was the recipient of the Japan Institute for International Affairs (JIIA) Research Fellowship in 1995, the Southeast Asian Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP) in 1997, the Ninoy Aquino Professorial Chair Award in 2004, the Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship in 2006, the Australian Leadership Award Fellowship (ALAF) in 2010, and the Taiwan Fellowship in 2018.
Prof. Tigno was president of the PPSA (2003-2005), NRCP Division VIII (Social Sciences) Chairperson (2008-2010), member of the SWS Board of Directors (2008-2018 and 2022-2023), Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) (2004-2006), and Chairperson of the Department of Political Science (2013-2016). He is an elected member The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 045 (since 2006) and the Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in the Social Sciences Philippines Alpha Chapter (since 2017).
- Doctor of Public Administration (DPA), National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG), University of the Philippines, Diliman (2004).
- Dissertation Title: Governance and Public Policy in the Philippines: RA 8042 and the Deregulation of the Overseas Employment Sector
- Master of Arts (Political Science), College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), University of the Philippines, Diliman (1992).
- Thesis Title: Politics of International Labor Migration: Philippine Labor Foreign Policy Towards Saudi Arabia (1979-1989)
- Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), University of the Philippines, Diliman (1983).
Research Interests
Comparative democratization; civil-military relations; international relations of the Asia-Pacific; contentious politics; security sector governanceAsian labor migration and comparative immigration policies; democratic consolidation and transitions in Southeast Asia; Local politics and state-civil society relations in the Philippines; Electoral and political reforms in developing states
Recent Publications
- Tigno, Jorge. 2024. “Low Hanging Fruit: Asian migrant grassroots organizations and their views of the Global Compact on Migration.” In Varieties of Civil Society Across Asia edited by Akihiro Ogawa and Anthony J. Spires, pp. 119 – 134. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Tigno, Jorge. 2023. “The Party is Dead! Long Live the Party! Reforming the Party System in the Philippines.” UP CIDS Discussion Paper 2023-06. Accessed at https://cids.up.edu.ph/discussion_paper/party-dead-long-live-party-reforming-party-system-philippines/.
- Tigno, Jorge. 2023. “Making Voter Education a Pillar of Democracy in the Philippines.” UP CIDS Policy Brief 2023-02. Accessed at https://cids.up.edu.ph/policy-brief/making-voter-education-pillar-democracy-philippines/.
- Ducanes, Geoffrey, Steve Rood, and Jorge Tigno. 2023. “Sociodemographic Factors, Policy Satisfaction, Perceived Character: What Factors Explain President Duterte’s Popularity?” Philippine Political Science Journal 33(1): 1–42.
- Tigno, Jorge. 2023. “GCM’s whole-of-society pathway to global migration governance: Not all societal actors are created equal.” ASILE Forum (20 March 2023). Accessed at https://www.asileproject.eu/gcms-whole-of-society-pathway-to-global-migration-governance/.
- Tigno, Jorge. 2021. “A Game of Musical Thrones: Candidate Substitutions and Withdrawals in the 2022 Philippine Elections.” Fulcrum Analysis on Southeast Asia (15 December 2021). Accessed at https://fulcrum.sg/a-game-of-musical-thrones-candidate-substitutions-and-withdrawals-in-the-2022-philippine-elections/
Courses Taught
- Political Science 11: Introduction to Political Science
- Political Science 14: Philippine Government and Politics
- Political Science 101: Introduction to Philippine Politics
- Political Science 141: Readings in Philippine Politics
- Political Science 126: Philippine Political Thought
- Political Science 127: Special Topics in Political Theory
- Political Science 132: American Politics
- Political Science 145: Readings in Political Theory
- Political Science 150
- Political Science 201: Theories and Approaches in the Study of Philippine Politics
- Political Science 251: Philippine Political Institutions
- Political Science 261
- Political Science 294
- Political Science 320: Issues in Comparative Politics
- Social Science 2: Social, Economic, and Political Thought