Jalton Garces Taguibao, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Management
Bulwagang Silangang Palma
Africa Street
University of Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
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Jalton Garces Taguibao is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman. He received his Ph.D in Political Science from the University of the Philippines, Diliman and Masters in Public Management from the University of the Philippines, Manila. He also received postgraduate training in Theory and Research Methodology from the Berlin Graduate School for the Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, and Quantitative Methods for Social and Political Research from the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. His focused areas of interest are on the governance of sustainability, political communication, and the intersections of society, technology, and politics. His specializations are on public policy, research design and methodology.
In addition to his academic engagements, he has been involved in public policy development and consultancy work for national government agencies, local government units, and civil society organizations since 1999. He is also an occasional trainer and resource person in national training institutions such as the Development Academy of the Philippines and the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Political Science), University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2018
- Masters in Public Management, University of the Philippines-Manila, 2010
- Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), University of the Philippines-Diliman, 1998
Research Interests
Public Policy, Social and Political Research and Methodology, Political Communication, Politics of Sustainability
Recent Publications
- Rebullida, Maria Lourdes and Taguibao, Jalton G. 2020. “Solid Waste Management, Environmental Governance, and Sustainable Development: Empowering Intergovernmental Relations in the National Capital Region.” UP CIDS Policy Brief 2020-06. Quezon City: UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies.
- Taguibao, Jalton G. “Sustainable Energy Policy in Southeast Asia: Domestic Variations and Congruence in Policy Discourses”. Asian Politics and Policy Journal, Volume 11, Issue No. 2, April 2019, pp. 327-346.
- Taguibao, Jalton G. “Kapwa, Loob, and the Political Relationship Between President and Citizens Based on an Analysis of Presidential Speeches from 1986 to 2013”. 2019. Handbook of Filipino Psychology Volume 2: Applications edited by Rogelia Pe-Pua. University of the Philippines Press. pp. 531-556.
Courses Taught
- Political Science 11: Introduction to Political Science
- Political Science 110: Political Analysis
- Political Science 111: Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science
- Political Science 199: Research Design in Political Science
- Political Science 211: Advance Qualitative Methods in Political Science
- Political Science 258: Special Topics in Philippine National and Local Politics and Administration
- Social Science 2: Social, Economic, and Political Thought