Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem, PhD
Professor of Political Science (retired)
Professor Emeritus
UP Scientist III (2023-2025)
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Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD).
Dr. Encarnacion Tadem previously served in the following positions: 1) Executive Director of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS), August 2017 to July 2023; 2) Chair, Department of Political Science, UP Diliman, 2000-2003; 3) Director, Third World Studies Center, CSSP, UP Diliman (2004-2010); 4) President, Philippine Political Science Association (2011-2013); and Vice-President, Philippine Social Sciences Council, 2011-2013.
She has published journal articles and book chapters on the following topics: the anti-globalization movements, global civil society movements, the Philippine cooperative movement, the Philippine left movement, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and development in the Philippines, the anti-ADB campaigns in Thailand, the Philippine technocracy, middle-class politics in the Philippines, the Philippines and WTO negotiations, the politics of water privatization.
Her journal articles have been published in the following: Journal of Contemporary Asia, Philippine Political Science Journal, Pacific Review, Modern Asian Studies, Philippine Studies Journal: Historical and Ethnograpich Viewpoints, East Asian Review, Kasarinlan: Journal of Third World Studies; Philippine Social Sciences Review; and Asian Studies.
She is editor of Localizing and Transnationalizing Contentious Politics: Global Civil Society Movements (Lexington Press 2009) and co-editor with Laura Samson, Marxism in the Philippines: Continuing Engagements (Anvil, 2010). She is also the author of the2021 NAST (National Academy for Science and Technology) Outstanding Book Award for Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: The evolution and emergence of a power elite (Ateneo University Press 2019).
Her most recent academic awards include the following: 1) 2018 NRCP (National Research Council of the Philippines) Achievement Awardee for the Social Sciences (Division VIII), March 11, 2018; 2) Phi Kappa Phi 85th Anniversary Awardees for Excellence, January 16, 2019; 3) Conferred the UP Scientific Productivity Award: UP Scientist II March 21, 2018; and 4) UP Diliman Chancellor Natatanging Guro Award 2008. She was also a Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. May 1, 2010 to October 31, 2010 and Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies. Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, 1 November 2010 to 30 March 2011.
- Ph.D. Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong, 1997
- M.A. Political Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1985
- B.S. Foreign Service, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1980 (magna cum laude)
Research Interests
Democratization; development; social movements; technocracy; middle class politics
Recent Publications
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2023. “Public Policy and the Role of the Social Sciences in COVID-19 Responses in the Philippines: A Case Study of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies.”. SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. Vol. 38, No. 3, November 2023, pp. 386-408.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Maria Ela L. Atienza. 2023. Editors. A Better Metro Manila? Towards Responsible Local Governance, Decentralization and Equitable Development. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Maria Ela L. Atienza. 2023. “Introduction: The Search for Alternative Models for Responsible Governance”. In A Better Metro Manila? Towards Responsible Local Governance, Decentralization and Equitable Development. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-27.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Maria Ela L. Atienza. 2023. “The Evolving Empowerment of Local Governments and Promotion of Local Governance in the Philippines: An Overview”. In A Better Metro Manila? Towards Responsible Local Governance, Decentralization and Equitable Development. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 29-86.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Eduardo C. Tadem. 2023. “Reclaiming Public Services: Giving Back Ownership and Control of Water Services to the Public Sector. In A Better Metro Manila? Towards Responsible Local Governance, Decentralization and Equitable Development. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 291-323.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Maria Ela L. Atienza. 2023. “Reforms and Ways Forward for Responsible Governance, Decentralization, and Equitable Development”. In A Better Metro Manila? Towards Responsible Local Governance, Decentralization and Equitable Development. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 489-518.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2023. “Crony Capitalism during the Martial Law Period (19721-1986). In Llanes, Ferdinand C. Editor. The Marcos Years: The Age of Crisis and Repression. Q.C.:Sandigan para sa Mag-aaral at Sambyanan Alumni Association, Inc. (SAMASA), pp. 309-340.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnaion. 2022. “Democracy and Inequality in the Philippines: Confronting the challenges of class and regional divide”. In Hass, Ryan and Patricia M. Kim. Democracy in Asia. Washington D.C.: Foreign Policy at BROOKINGS, pp. 90-97.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2022. “Overview: The Role of Social Sciences in COVID-19 Reponses in the Philippines: A Case Study of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS)”. Philippine Public Policy in a Time of Pandemic: Confronting the COVID-19 Challenge”. Webinar Proceedings. University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS) Programs on Alternative Development, Political Economy, Strategic Studies, Data Science for Public Policy; Social and Political Change, Decolonial Studies, Higher Education for Research and Policy Reform, Escaping the Middle-Income Trap: Chains for Change, Education Research, Assessment, Curriculum and Technology Research and UP Center for Women and Gender Studies. Q.C.: University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2022. “Technocrats and the Impact of Their Economic Policies on the Marcos Era: Contradictions, Corruption and Crisis”. In Castaneda-Anastacio, Leia and Patricion N. Abinales, Editors. The Marcos Era; A Reader. Q.C.: BUGHAW, an imprint of Ateneo University Press, pp. 203-223.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2022. “The Philippines: The Role of Social Sciences in COVID-19 Responses in the Philippines: A Case Study of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS).” In Fussy, Daniel. Editor. Social Science and COVID-19: The Southeast Asia Response. International Development Research Center, Canada, pp. 57-61.
Editor-in-Chief. Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives. 2021.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2021. “The Politics of a Middle-Class Led Left Movement in the Philippines”. In “the Pandemic in Neoliberal Asia”. Journal IndoProgress, Vol. 1 No. 01, pp. 61-86.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem. 2021. “Politik Pergerakan Kiri Yang Dipimpin Kelas Menengah Di Filipina.” In Pandemi di Asia”, Journo IndoProgress, Vol. 1 No. 01, pp. 61-86.
- “The Politics of a Middle-Class-Led Movement in the Philippines”. Thinking With and Beyond Marx: Critical Essays on Politics, History and Art.” Volume I. Published in Commemoration of the 200th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx. Tadem, Eduardo C. and Honey B. Tabiola. Editors. University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies Public Policy Monograph Series, pp. 105-122.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2021. “Tracing the Rise of Filipino Technocrats Through the Cold War”. Issue 26: (September 2019). In Pavin Chachavalapongpun, Editor. At the Crossroads: Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp. 152-155.
Editor-in-Chief. Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives. 2020.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2020. “Writing Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats”. Essay. Philippine Political Science Journal. 41, 263-268.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2020. “A Panacea Gone Awry: A Review of Water Privatization Policy in the Philippines.” Asia Politics & Policy. Volume 12, Iss. 4, October, pp. 632-646. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/aspp.12559
- Book Reviewer. 2020. Walden Bellow, Counterrevolution: The Global Rise of the Far Right. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2019. 41 (2020) 199-210.
- “The Politics of a Middle-Class-Led Movement in the Philippines”. Thinking With and Beyond Marx: Critical Essays on Politics, History and Art.” Volume I. Published in Commemoration of the 200th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx. Tadem, Eduardo C. and Honey B. Tabiola. Editors. University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies Public Policy Monograph Series, pp. 105-122.
- “The Emergence of Filipino Technocrats as Cold War “Pawns”. Journal of Contemporary Asia. Volume 50, Issue No. 4, 2020, pp. 530-550.
- “The Emergence of Filipino Technocrats as Cold War “Pawns”. Journal of Contemporary Asia. https://doi.org/10.1080/004472336.2019.1694961. (2019)
- Tadem, Eduardo C. and Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem. 2019. “Water privatization hasn’t deliver”. Commentary. Philippine Daily Inquirer. March 14.
Editor-in-Chief. Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives. 2019.
- Tadem, Eduardo C. and Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem. 2019. “Alternatives to Water Privatization”. Commentary. Philippine Daily Inquirer. April 23.
- Co-authored with Eduardo C. Tadem. 2019. “Water privatization hasn’t delivered”. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 14 March.
- “Philippine: la gauche sociale et politique face au “dutertisme”. Alternatives Sud, Vol. 26-2019, Belgium: Centre Tricontinental et Editions Syllepse, pp. 145-151.
- “Re-Defining Governance to Address Socio-Economic Inequality in the Philippines”. 2019. Journal of Law and Administration. Number 3. DOI 10.24833/2073-8420-2019-3-52-10-22
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Noel M. Morada. Editors. 2019. Southeast Asian Politics: Issues of the Past Defining the Challenges of the Present. Third World Perspectives in Politics. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Noel M. Morada. Editors. 2019. “Introduction” Southeast Asian Politics: Issues of the Past Defining the Challenges of the Present. Third World Perspectives in Politics. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, pp, 1-15.
- Series Editor. Third World Perspectives in Politics. Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Noel M. Morada. Editors. 2019. Southeast Asian Politics: Issues of the Past Defining the Challenges of the Present. Third World Perspectives in Politics. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.
- Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: The emergence and evolution of a power elite. Q.C.: Ateneo de Manila University Press. 2019.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2019. “Tracing the Rise of Filipino Technocrats Through the Cold War”. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. In Eva Hansson & Meredith Weiss. “Beyond the Cold War in Southeast Asia”. Issue 26. Online journal: https://kyotoreview.org/issue-26/tracing-the-rise-of-filipino-technocrats-through-cold-war/.
- Also published in: Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2021. “Tracing the Rise of Filipino Technocrats Through the Cold War”. Issue 26: (September 2019). In Pavin Chachavalapongpun, Editor. At the Crossroads: Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp. 152-155.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion and Eduardo C. Tadem. 2019. “Reclaiming public services: Giving back ownership and control of the water sector to local government”. UP CIDS Program on Alternative Development Policy Brief”. UP CIDS Policy Brief 2019, pp. 1-8.
- “Chapter 5: The middle-class-led Left movement in civil society’s role in the Philippines’ democratization process.” In Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao. Ed. Middle Class, Civil Society and Democracy in Asia. Routledge Contemporary Asia Series. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 81-101.
Editor-in-Chief. Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives. 2018.
- “Technocracy and class politics in policy-making”. Thompson, Mark R. and Eric Vincent C. Batalla. Routledge Handbook of the Contemporary Philippines. London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 262-272.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2018. “Chapter 5: The Middle-Class-Led Left Movement in Civil Society’s Role in the Philippines’ Democratization Process.” In Middle Class, Civil Society and Democracy in Asia, edited by Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, 81–101. Routledge Contemporary Asia Series. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2018. “Technocracy and Class Politics in Policy-Making.” In Routledge Handbook of the Contemporary Philippines, edited by Mark R. Thompson and Eric Vincent C. Batalla, 262–72. London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2016. “Negotiating North-South Dynamics and the Philippine Experience in the WTO.” The Pacific Review 29 (5): 717–39.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion, and Eduardo C. Tadem. 2016. “Political Dynasties in the Philippines: Persistent Patterns, Perennial Problems.” Southeast Asia Research 24 (3): 328–40.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2016. “On My Terms: The Autobiography of Vicente Tirona Paterno.” Philippine Studies Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints, 324–28.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2016. “The Rise and Fall of Virata’s Network: Technocracy and the Politics of Economic Decision-Making in the Philippines.” Southeast Asian Studies 5 (1): 35–72.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2016. “Philippine Technocracy and the Politics of Resiliency and Retribution.” In Remembering/Rethinking EDSA, edited by JPaul S. Manzanilla and Caroline S. Hau, 325–38. Quezon City: ANVIL Publishing Inc.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2015. “Philippine Civil Society and Democratization in the Context of Left Politics.” In Civil Society and Democracy in Southeast Asia and Turkey, 129–59. Ankara, Turkey: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarancion. 2015. “Technocracy and the Politics of Economic Decision Making during the Pre-Martial Law Period (1965-1972).” Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints 83 (4): 541–73.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2015. “The Politics of ‘Educating’ the Philippine Technocratic Elite.” Philippine Political Science Journal 36 (2): 127–46.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2015. “Philippine Social Movements and Contemporary Contestations over Models of Economic Development.” Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South 3 (2): 57–89.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnaicon. 2014. “The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Field of Health in Modern Southeast Asia: The Philippine Experience.” In Histories of Health in Southeast Asia: Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century, edited by Tim Harper and Sunil S. Amrith, 222–35. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2014. “Creating Spaces for Asian Interaction through the Anti-Globalization Campaigns in the Region.” In Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility, 216–42. New Delhi, India: Cambridge University Press.
- **Article was previously published in Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2012. “Creating Spaces for Asian Interaction Through the Anti-Globalization Campaigns in the Region.” In Sites of Asian Interaction, edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith, 46:453–81. Modern Asian Studies. Cambridge University Press.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion, Khoo Boo Teik, and Shiraishi Takashi. 2014. “The Politics of Technocracy in Southeast Asia.” Southeast Asian Studies Special Issue 3 (2).
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarancion. 2014. “Philippine Technocracy and the Politics of Economic Decision-Making: A Comparison of the Martial Law and Post-Martial Law Periods.” Southeast Asian Studies 3 (2): 345–81.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion, Khoo Boo Teik, and Shiraishi Takashi. 2014. “Technocracy and Economic Decision-Making in Southeast Asia: An Overview.” Southeast Asian Studies 3 (2): 241–53.
- Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion. 2014. “Moro and Basque Nationalism and the Limitations of ‘Liberal Democracy.’” Journal of Comparative Asian Development 13 (2): 212–41.
- Tadem, Teres S. Encarnacion, and Perlita Frago-Marasigan, eds. 2013. Comparative Politics and Government: (Re)Democratization and Development. Third World Perspective on Politics. Diliman, Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press.
Courses Taught
- POLSC 11: Introduction to Political Science
- POLSC 14: Philippine Government and Politics
- POLSC 130: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- POLSC 131: Southeast Asian Politics
- POLSC 143: Readings in Comparative Politics
- POLSC 111: Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science
- POLSC 228: Theories of Democracy
- POLSC 313: Seminar in the Politics of Revolution
- POLSC 270: Theories of Comparative Politics
- POLSC 271: Latin American Politics
- POL SC 277: Asian Politics
- POLSC 320: Special Problems in Comparative Government and Politics
- POLSC 325: The Developing States
- POLSC 331: Special Problems in International Relations