Virgemarie A. Salazar, PhD
Assistant Professor
Bulwagang Silangang Palma
Africa Street
University of Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
(63 2) 981 8500 local 2380
Virgemarie A. Salazar is an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in international relations, Philippine politics, and social science.
She obtained her doctoral degree in Asia-Pacific Studies from the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. Her dissertation examined the role of non-state actors and transnational networks in regional climate change governance in relation to the institutional function of ASEAN in integrating various knowledge claims through practices that enable participation and inclusion. In 2022, she received a dissertation fellowship from Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council.
Before pursuing her PhD, she worked as a Senior Foreign Affairs Research Specialist at the Center for International Relations and Strategic Studies of the Foreign Service Institute, the research and training arm of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines. She served as head of the International Organizations Section from 2015 to 2018.
- Doctor of Philosophy, National Chengchi University, 2023
- Master in Public Policy and Management, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2015
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (cum laude), University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2005
Research Interests
non-traditional security issues, international organizations, regionalism, participatory governance, transnational networks
Recent Publications
- Salazar, V. & Katigbak, J.J. (2024). China’s climate change policy post-Kyoto (2009-2015): Applying the bureaucratic politics approach. Interdisciplinary Political Studies, 10(1), 75-85. http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/idps/article/view/27512
- Salazar, V. & Katigbak, J. J. (2024). Can ASEAN’s Governance of Climate Change Become Participatory?. In M. Hamdan, M. Anshari, N. Ahmad, & E. Ali (Eds.), Global Trends in Governance and Policy Paradigms (pp. 1-24). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1742-6.ch001
- Salazar, V. (2023). From Practices to Praxis: ASEAN’s Transnational Climate Governance Networks as Communities of Practice. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 42(2), 190-215.
- Salazar, V., & Katigbak, J. J. P. (2022). Enhancing the Green Climate Fund operations through a climate justice lens. International Journal, 77(2), 368-377.
Courses Taught
- Social Science 2: Social, Economic and Political Thought
- International Affairs 290: Theories of International Relations
- Political Science 111: Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science
- International Affairs 202: Foreign Policy Analysis
- International Affairs 299: Research Methods