Sol Iglesias, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Bulwagang Silangang Palma
Africa Street
University of Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
+63 2 920 7246
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Sol Iglesias is an assistant professor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines, teaching subjects such as Political Analysis, Comparative Politics and Human Rights & International Relations. She has a Ph.D. in Southeast Asian Studies and a M.A. in Political Science from the National University of Singapore as well as a M.A. in International Affairs from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a B.A. in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines. She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of New Mandala and co-convener of the Women in Southeast Asian Social Sciences (WISEASS). In 2023, she was awarded the Mellon/Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Fellowship. She was the Inaugural Scholar-in-Residence of the Justice in Southeast Asia Laboratory (JSEALab) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2023. She was selected as a Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG) Fellow in 2017. The American Political Science Association’s (APSA) Democracy and Autocracy Committee selected her as an Emerging Scholar in 2020 and she won an APSA Asia Program fellowship and research grant in 2021. She was the first female, first Asian, and first Filipino director of Political and Economic affairs at the Asia-Europe Foundation in Singapore. She also worked as a consultant to the World Bank and the Local Government Academy of the Philippines. She has published extensively on political violence in the Philippines, on Philippine politics and current affairs, on political conditionality in the European Union’s relations with Southeast Asia, as well as on regionalism in Asia and Europe. She is currently writing a book, How a Weak State Governs: The Dynamics of Violence in Philippine Politics, on the central-local interactions that produced violence in the democratic, post-dictatorship period.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, 2018
- Master of Arts in International Relations, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, 2013
- Master of Social Sciences in Political Science, Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 2003
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration (magna cum laude), University of the Philippines-Diliman, 1997
Research Interests
Political Violence, Democracy, Autocracy, State Violence
Recent Publications
Edited Volume
- Bersick, S., Bruter, M., Chaban , N., Iglesias, S., & Lenihan, R. Editors (2012). Asia in the Eyes of Europe: Images of a Rising Giant. Berlin: Nomos.
Journal Articles
- Iglesias, S. (2023). The “war on drugs” violence in the Philippines under Duterte. Asian Politics and Policy.
- Iglesias, S. (2022) Violence and Impunity: Democratic Backsliding in the Philippines and the 2022 Elections. Pacific Affairs. Vol. 95, No. 3.
- Iglesias, S. (2004) ASEM Enlargement and the Question of Myanmar. Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies 14: 203-213.
Book Chapters
- Iglesias, S. (2020) Navigating the Nadir of Philippine-European Union Relations. In ASEAN & the EU: The Untold Story. Tommy Koh & Lay Hwee Yeo, editors. Singapore: World Scientific.
- Iglesias, S. (2004) On New Dangers of Decentralization. In Asia in the New Millennium. Amitav Acharya & Lee Lai To, eds. Singapore: Marshall-Cavendish Academic, pp. 290-306.
Courses Taught
- Political Science 110: Political Analysis
- Political Science 130: Introduciton to Comparative Politics
- International Studies 261: Contemporary International Issues and Trends (Human Rights and International Relations)
- Political Science 320: Issues in Comparative Politics (Political Violence)