Nathaniel P. Candelaria

Nathaniel P. Candelaria, MA

Assistant Professor
Assistant College Secretary, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Bulwagang Silangang Palma
Africa Street
University of Philippines Diliman, Quezon City

(63 2) 981 8500 local 2380
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Nathaniel Punongbayan Candelaria is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman. He is also a member of the Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA), a lifetime member of the Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in the Social Sciences — UP Chapter (Philippine Alpha Chapter), and an associate member of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) under the Division of Social Sciences (Division VIII).

Asst. Prof. Candelaria earned his Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) degree (cum laude) in 2015 at UP Diliman. He also earned his Master of Arts (Political Science) degree in 2022 from the same university, with a thesis entitled “Food Security in the Midst of Climate Change: A Case Study of Cooperation Between the Philippines and the International Rice Research Institute.” While he was still a graduate student at UP Diliman, he was able to earn a scholarship under the UP Teaching Assistantship program, where he served as Teaching Associate at the UP Department of Political Science. Prior to joining the Department, he previously worked as Senior Project Assistant at the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS), under the following research programs: 1) Strategic Studies Program, 2) Program on Alternative Development, and 3) Program on Social and Political Change. He also previously worked as Research Assistant at the Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS Philippines), and at the Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies (FIDS).

Asst. Prof. Candelaria’s research interests cover Non-Traditional Security, International Relations, Religion and Politics, and Southeast Asian Politics. He presented some of his research at the PPSA International Conference, the Asian and Political Studies Association (APISA) International Conference, the Wenzao International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies (ICSEAS), and the International Studies Association (ISA) Asia-Pacific Conference. Some of his academic works are published in the Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Research Perspectives, and as chapters the monograph series of the UP CIDS Program on Alternative Development. He also contributed academic essays in FACTS Asia, and the UP sa Halalan websites. He was also invited to review papers in refereed journals such as the One Social Science Journal (OSSJ), and the Philippine Journal of Social Development (PJSD).

As a member of the faculty, Asst. Prof. Candelaria taught General Education courses such as Social Science 2: Social, Economic, and Political Thought (Soc Sci 2). He also taught undergraduate courses in Political Science such as Southeast Asian Politics (POLSC 131), and Politics and Society (POLSC 121).


  • Master of Arts in Political Science, University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2022
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (cum laude), University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2015

Research Interests

Non-Traditional Security, International Relations, Religion and Politics, and Southeast Asian Politics

Recent Publications

  • Candelaria, N. P. (Forthcoming). Using Anime in Teaching and Understanding Major International Relations (IR) Theories: A Case Study of How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom. Journal of Anime and Manga Studies.
  • Candelaria, N. P. (2024).The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) as an International Agricultural Research Center (IARC): From the Cold War to One CGIAR. Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives 2024: 1-38.
  • Candelaria, N. P. (2023, November 4). It Remains “One Bulacan” After All: A Post-Plebiscite Analysis on San Jose del Monte City’s bid to become a Highly Urbanized City. UP sa Halalan.
  • Tadem, E.C., Hapal, K. A. F., Papa, V. B., Velasco, B. B., Aban, A. P., Tabiola, H. B., Dimalanta, R. V., Orlino, M. H. S., Sy, J. M. C, & Candelaria, N. P. (2023). Reinforcing People-to-People Solidarities Towards Regionalism from Below: Alternatives from Southeast Asia Amid COVID-19. University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies.
  • Thandaunggyi Women’s Group & Candelaria, N. P. (2023). Burma/Myanmar’s Gendered Political Economy and Women-led Empowerment: The Story of Conflict and Action of the Thandaunggyi Women’s Group in Karen State. In E. C. Tadem, B. B. Velasco, J. M. C. Sy, A. P. Aban, R. V. V. Dimalanta, H. B. Tabiola & R. J. C. Martinez (Eds.), Re-Imagining Post-Pandemic Societies Alternative Practices across Southeast Asia Volume 2 (pp. 89-104). UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies.
  • Koalisi Seni Indonesia, Candelaria, N. P., & Sy, J. M. C. (2023). Koalisi Seni Indonesia’s Democratic Art-Making as Cross-Border Community-Building. In E. C. Tadem, B. B. Velasco, J. M. C. Sy, A. P. Aban, R. V. V. Dimalanta, H. B. Tabiola & R. J. C. Martinez (Eds.), Re-Imagining Post-Pandemic Societies Alternative Practices across Southeast Asia Volume 2 (pp. 349-366). UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies.

Courses Taught

  • Social Science 2: Social, Economic and Political Thought
  • Political Science 131: Southeast Asian Politics
  • Political Science 121: Society and Politics