Asst. Prof. Sol Iglesias has been awarded a Visiting Research Fellowship by the Center...
We are now accepting applications for the Master in International Affairs (MIA), Master of...
The UP Department of Political Science invites applications for full-time faculty (tenure-track positions) or...
The Department of Political Science, through its UP sa Halalan project, is an official...
Please be informed that requests for teacher’s prerogative (POLSC/Soc Sci 2) must be submitted...
From the family of Dr. Nemenzo: We announce the passing of Dr. Francisco “Dodong”...
Asst. Prof. Nathaniel P. Candelaria recently published an article entitled “Using Anime in Teaching...
Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Dennis V. Blanco on his election as Section Chair –...
New Publication: Gloria, Disrespect and Coercion: Unpacking Variations in China’s Sanctions Rhetoric
Asst. Prof. Enrico Gloria recently published a journal article entitled “Disrespect and Coercion: Unpacking...