Our Master of Arts (MA) in Political Science program is aimed at individuals who wish to embark on advanced studies and are thinking of establishing a career in the field of academic research in politics. It is designed for students who already have a basic understanding and/or appreciation for teaching and research in the social sciences.
We introduce students to the different analytical techniques and methodologies in political science. They have the opportunity to engage both faculty and their fellows in understanding as well as solving key research problems and issues.
Our graduates eventually pursue teaching and research careers in universities and other centres of higher education. Not a few become professional practitioners and managers in different political institutions and public agencies, as well as the private sector.
At the end of the program, the MAPS student should be able to:
- demonstrate advanced knowledge of various theoretical approaches in at least two areas of Political Science;
- construct and implement theoretically-grounded and practically-relevant research using advanced analytical methods that contributes to existing knowledge;
- communicate specialized knowledge about political phenomena across different publics and audiences; and
- commit to professional excellence and ethical conduct in teaching, research, and public service in Political Science.